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Ravenna Mosaics

Short Trips

Ravenna Mosaics

In the heart of Ravenna, a journey that guides cruise passengers to discover the thousand facets of one of its greatest artistic treasures: the mosaic.

The trip estimated time does not include the transportation from the Port to Ravenna center.

Ravenna Mosaics
  • Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

    The Mausoleum was erected in the mid-fifth cenury by emperor Honorius -who had transferred the Capital of the Western Empire from Milan to Ravenna - for his sister Galla Placidia. The magnificient moisaics theme is the victory of life over death. It is said that the starry sky mosaic inspired Night and Day by Cole Porter.

  • Basilica di San Vitale

    The octagonal church was built between 535 and 547 AC and it shows the influence of oriental art. The most famous mosaics celebrate the Emperors Justinian and Theodora with court men and women.

  • Neonian or Orthodox Baptistery

    It is one of the most ancient monuments of Ravenna, probably dating back to the beginning of the V century and later restored under the bishop Neone (450-475). Among the marvelous mosaics, the one depicting the baptism of Christ stands out, framed in a medallion in the center of the dome.

  • TAMO Museum

    TAMO is the Museum about mosaic history, from antiquity to modern times, and it’s hosted inside the fascinating Church of S. Nicolò.

  • Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo

    This is the most prestigious arian church, erected by the ostrogoth king Theoderic next to his palace. It is called 'Nuovo' (New) to distinguish it from Sant'Apollinare in Classe, where the martyr relics were before being moved here. Inside you can find the biggest monumental work on the New Testament (V-VI century), very well-preserved.

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